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Office Number: 01461 700 386
Fishery Manager: 07850 157 668

Four and One AC

Dates: Saturday 14th September

Waters: Wallace

Four and One Angling Club _ John Keith Phillips Memorial Trophy

Closed to club

Standard Broom Match Rules Apply

Match draw time: 10:00
All-in 11:00
All-out 16:00

Match organiser Karl 07914669454


Name Sect Peg Weight
Norman Hamilton 33 52lb 08oz
Mal Gardner 41 33lb 03oz
Jon Phillips 35 32lb 05oz
Ian Bevitt 39 31lb 00oz
Kyle Kirkpatrick 38 29lb 10oz
Andy Keogh 45 24lb 08oz
Peter Ritson 43 22lb 00oz
Karl Bevitt 34 19lb 06oz
Colin Armstrong 42 14lb 08oz
Alistair Hamer 37 12lb 10oz
Tony Purcell 36 11lb 10oz
John Armstrong 44 11lb 04oz
Jim Dourish 47 10lb 08oz
Ted Eames 46 09lb 08oz
Warren H 32 02lb 06oz
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