Sunday Open 27/01/2019
Dates: Sunday 27th January
Waters: Queensberry
Draw time : 09:00 prompt
All in: 10:15
All out 15:30
Match fee £20 all in
(Ring fishery office only 01461 700386 if your running late)
Standard Broom Match Rules Apply
Anglers fishing this event are:
Broom fisheries Sunday Open Match results
(. 13 fished.,)
Queensberry Water & Bruce’s Acre
Queensberry Water section 1
1st – Barry Young – 58lb 8oz ( p19)
2nd – Steve Royle – 28lb 2oz (p21).
3rd – Eddie Bibby – 27lb 10oz (p20)
4th – Michael Harkness – 4lb 14oz (p22)
Queensberry Water section 2.
1st – Jim Anderson – 23lb 4oz (p25).
2nd – Ian Whitson – 17lb 8oz (p24)
3rd – Geoff Whittle – 10lb 8oz (p23)
4th – David Mcgregor – 7lb (p27)
5th – Symon Willan – 6lb (p26)
Bruce’s Acre section 3
1st – Don Lines – 21lb 8oz (p13)
2nd – Craig Duncan – 0lb 12oz (p1)
3rd = Mark Hammond – DNW (p4)
3rd = Dave Walker – DNW (p10)
With 50 mph winds forecast and showers… A few brave souls still turned out to fish the match… And fortunately, the forecast didn’t quite appear. With no rain and winds up to 20 mph with a few stronger gusts.
With the ponds frozen solid for two days midweek and heavy rain yesterday… There was a bit of uncertainty as to how it would fish.
Queensberry Water however fished reasonably well, but Bruce’s Acre proved to be very tough and didn’t produce the weights we’d expected after last week’s big net of carp.!!
Today on Queensberry Water Barry Youngs drawing arm didn’t let him down when he pulled out end peg 19… One of the more sheltered pegs.!
He fished a 13m pole line for most of the match with maggots… Catching 7 F1 carp, a small common carp, 8 big ide and 17 skimmers from 6oz to 3lbs… And at the weigh in put a fantastic 58lbs 8oz on the scales to win the section and Overall match.
Steve Royle had 28lbs of silvers, with Eddie Bibby weighing in a mixed net of fish for 27lbs.
Queensberry Water section 2 was a little tougher with the wind, and Jim Anderson got his tactics spot on in a tough section today, opting to fish bomb and bread, Jim caught a few nice carp to win the section with 23lbs 4oz, with Ian Whitson finishing 2nd with a net of silvers for 17lb 8oz.
Bruce’s Acre was a completely different Water today… With fish and bites very hard to come by.
Don Lines picked a rough day weather-wise to pull out hot culvert peg 13… But he stuck to the task of catching a few carp and a handful of small silvers to win the section with 21lbs 8oz.
Craig Duncan only needed 12oz to secure 2nd place to give you all an idea of how hard it fished… But we all know how much things and the pegs vary from week to week… It wouldn’t be fun if it was predictable.
- Steve Royle – 28lb 2oz
- Jim Anderson – 23lbs 4oz
- Barry Young – 58lbs 8oz
- Eddie Bibby – 60lbs 10oz